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The Drug Intervention Process
The Drug Intervention Process – Explained
The Drug Intervention Process – Explained
The Drug Intervention Process

Do you think that your loved one is using an illegal substance? Has their drinking started to impact their day-to-day life? Are you considering an intervention?

Loving someone who is struggling with addiction or who has a diagnosed substance use disorder, is challenging. Drug intervention is one way to let your loved one know the impact that drugs are having on their life and yours. 

If you have already attempted an intervention on behalf of your loved one and are looking for the best facility to meet their substance abuse needs, check out Indah Recovery

What Is a Drug Intervention?

An intervention is defined as “… a combination of program elements or strategies designed to produce behavior changes or improve health status among individuals or an entire population.” 

A drug intervention is when you make an individual who is abusing substances aware of the impact it’s having on them and you and offer educational materials and treatment options. 

What Does the Drug Intervention Process Look Like?

Now, unlike TV, drug and alcohol interventions don’t require a giant family sit down. Interventions can be as simple as a doctor offering a pamphlet at a check-up or a therapist recommending more specialized treatment. 

In the Surgeon General’s report, a screening and early intervention for alcohol is effective in a healthcare setting.  The full report indicates that individuals with a less-severe form of substance use disorder are much more amenable to the intervention, while individuals with mild alcoholism and drug use were less responsive to the intervention.

Mild substance use disorders are readily identified and “often respond to brief motivational interventions and/or supportive monitoring.” However, unlike less-severe forms of substance abuse, chronic users with severe substance abuse are unlikely to respond to base-level intervention.

One study found that individuals who spoke with their doctor for 3-4 minutes and participated in two 20-minute follow up calls showed a reduction in the number of days they used drugs.  

After the initial or early intervention process, should it not be successful, individuals may take part in a brief intervention. This process is more of a structured intervention from a therapist or counselor about risky behavior and decision making. Should necessary changes not be made, at this time a referral for treatment may be recommended.

How to Help My Loved One Go to Rehab

Should the early intervention and brief intervention not be successful, at that time a clinician may make a referral to seek specialized care. “The care provider makes a referral for a clinical assessment followed by a clinical treatment plan developed with the individual that is tailored to meet the person’s needs.” By including the individual in the process, it sometimes increases the likelihood that they will follow through with the referral for addiction treatment.

Remember that you cannot force your loved one to get clean. This is a challenging mental illness and it requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to change on their part. If you feel that they are ready for rehabilitation, we recommend Indah Recovery.

The Indah Recovery Difference

Indah Recovery is a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center focused on providing a holistic approach to recovery. Our premier Dana Point, CA treatment center supports clients through detoxification, residential inpatient care, and aftercare.

At Indah Recovery we offer unique therapies like NAD IV therapy and biofeedback in addition to our evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapies. We teach mindfulness techniques, meditation, and yoga to assist our clients in self-management of triggers and stressors in the world. 

Our luxurious facility offers semi-private rooms, a spa, and pool area. Our intimate facility keeps our client numbers down so we can offer the best of personalized and individualized care to each of our clients.

If your loved one is ready for rehabilitation, look no further than Indah Recovery.


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