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Dana Point California Rehab Center Options
Dana Point California Rehab Center Options

Deciding on the ideal place to receive professional treatment is an important decision. Recognizing the value of change taking place is an extremely positive step toward your recovery journey. When thinking of how to go about selecting a treatment center, there are many options to consider. The types of amenities offered, the variety of treatment options available, the location of treatment center, and your short and long-term goals should be factored into your decision. 

Some factors that may not always be front of mind but are just as important to consider are:

  • The client-to-staff ratio
  • Certifications and credentials of the treatment center
  • Experience and education of the staff 

Each individual prefers a specific type of recovery environment based on their unique needs and desires. Some people would prefer a more tranquil, simple, and serene location. Some people would have a preference for a more luxurious setting with a plethora of additional amenities. No matter which option you would prefer, some basic amenities should be standards of care. These include:

  • The opportunity to exercise 
  • Healthy and well-balanced meals should be offered at in-patient centers in order to assist with recovery
  • 24-hour support from licensed professionals 
  • A clean and comforting space that provides the basic comforts of home

Does Location Matter When Selecting a Rehab Center

Many areas of the United States have extremely basic rehabilitation programs that may not have a lot of integrated treatment options available. Discovering a treatment center that will offer you an environment that feels as close to home as possible but a treatment program that offers a multifaceted approach can be crucial in the recovery journey’s success. When thinking about treatment options, you want as little barrier as possible toward achieving your goals. 

When seeking a specialized approach, Southern California offers a robust selection of options for rehabilitation, specifically in the Dana Point area. 

There are many benefits of choosing Dana Point for your recovery:

  • It can be beneficial to eliminate the familiar surroundings that aided in harmful behavior. 
  • It can help you remain as anonymous as possible and place you outside of your core network of people you may be concerned about being judged.
  • The weather in the area is very pleasant the vast majority of the year. 
  • The ocean is a tranquil setting for you to regain your inner peace and focus on your mental health. 
  • The likelihood of checking out early is decreased by selecting a site that may not be in your hometown.

How to Make the Most of Your Progress 

You’ve found the perfect setting to seek treatment. You have short-term and long-term goals you want to live by. You probably have many questions about how you’re going to make the most out of this experience. It’s very important to remember that this experience will be what you make it, and as intimidating as that may seem at first, there are ways you can set yourself up for the best possibility of success. 

Here are some helpful tips to assist you in remaining focused on what’s important:

  1. Pack things that will motivate you to remember why you started. This can be a journal, a favorite photo of your loved ones, or something from your home that you would normally find comfort in, such as favorite socks, a pair of slippers, or a favorite shirt.
  2. Trust in the process. You didn’t get to where you are overnight, and your progress will take some time but will be well worth it. Each day is a fresh start to change negative habits and thought patterns into the positive ones you need to have a healthy life.
  3. Remember that it is ok to feel frustrated at times. The longer you commit to your goals, the easier each day will become. Just take one day at a time.
  4. Learn how to be protective of your space and energy. Your goals of sobriety and mental wellness are absolutely achievable. It’s important to accept the support offered and learn how to set healthy boundaries.
  5. Be prepared to continue your journey after your treatment.

What Happens After Treatment? 

Understanding what happens after treatment is crucial to maintaining sobriety and achieving your long-term goals. There are many positive aspects to care about treatment, and it can diminish the risk of relapse. Programs that take place after your care at the treatment center of your choice are typically referred to as aftercare. Treatment can look like, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:

  • Group counseling regularly
  • Participation in a 12-step program
  • Individual counseling 

Aftercare treatment length will vary from person to person and will be tailored to your individual needs. When a person learns a new set of skills, those skills often need honing and practice. Aftercare can help you practice the new skills you have learned and continue to gain the support you deserve. 

There are many areas of support that can be accessed through aftercare. Some of them include:

  • Budgeting support and financial planning
  • Support academically
  • Legal advice and support
  • Career counseling and support
  • Goal setting and coaching
  • Case management
  • Substance monitoring

Starting Life in Recovery

Stepping back into normal life after treatment can require a transition process. Aftercare is just as important as the care you receive during your initial treatment. Creating a support network of sober and like minded individuals will aid in the encouragement you deserve to get back on track. A key to life outside of addiction is to create new and lasting habits to help you sustain your new lifestyle. If you were on a fitness journey, you would want to clear out your refrigerator and pantry of any tempting food and make sure you were on an exercise plan as well.

Making a list can help organize your thoughts on how to approach your new start. Here are some ways you can tackle the next chapter:

  1. Slow and steady wins the race. All good things come in time. Step by step, day by day, you will take on the new challenges ahead of you. Try to focus on one single day at a time.
  2. If possible, find a way to apologize for any damage caused to friends and family. This can help clear your mind and conscience and pave the way for healthier relationships with those you care about.
  3. Focus on keeping your word to both yourself and others. This creates trust in yourself, and it can go a long way in re-establishing trust with loved ones.
  4. Seek out camaraderie with sober friends and support groups. Risking having relationships with those that are not sober and do not align with your current lifestyle can be detrimental. Seek out those that are heading in the direction you want to be going.
  5. Find activities that spark a passion in you to occupy the time. Reigniting your love for what brings you joy can replace negative habits.
  6. Exercise can help you take the confidence you are building to the next level.
  7. Make sure you are eating well balanced meals and getting enough rest. Great, nutritious, food and enough rest can make you feel like a new person.
  8. Have the courage to pursue the life you always dreamed of. The life you have is what you create, so go out and pursue greatness. 


Your life can feel like a complete blur when taking the first few steps toward recovery.  The thought of making so many different choices, often simultaneously, can feel incredibly overwhelming. We have covered that it is in your best interest to take a really good look at what your options for treatment are and where they are located. You wouldn’t just purchase a new home without checking out the builder, the land, the neighbors, the school district, etc. 

Southern California can be an ideal setting to achieve all that you want to accomplish on your recovery journey—having the peace of mind of knowing that you will receive the best care possible can be well worth the trip. It is important to remember that no two treatment centers are alike, just like no two people are alike. What may be suited for one person may not be to the liking of another. What matters the most is that you have the clinical expertise backing your journey and the environment you know you can thrive in. 


Exercise as a Potential Treatment for Drug Abuse: Evidence from Preclinical Studies | US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Substance use recovery and diet | MedlinePlus

How to Navigate the Addiction Treatment System | Partnership to End Addiction (


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