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Top Amenities Found at Drug Rehab Centers in California
Top Amenities Found at Drug Rehab Centers in California

There are many reasons why the prospect of checking into drug rehab can feel intimidating. Rehab will change your whole life in many ways. You have the prospect of a beautiful (yet unknown) future ahead of you, but everything you know will be turned on its head. You’ll be away for a while, committed to learning and implementing the changes you need for a happy, healthy, successful sober life.

It’s important to choose the right place to spend that time. Inpatient rehabilitation can last as long as a few months. While you’re spending that time getting well, you’ll want to be as comfortable as possible. You don’t want to go stir crazy or feel as though your needs aren’t being met. If you’re unhappy, you may be more concerned with leaving than recovering.

When selecting a drug rehab center in California, consider the amenities that will mean the most to you. Your needs in both the long term and the short term should be met. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or request a tour of a facility before you commit to a stay. Your comfort is important. 

How To Choose a Rehab Center

Before you choose a rehab center, consider what you need. Some drug rehabilitation centers focus exclusively on therapeutic rehabilitation. Others are actually detox centers, focusing primarily on helping patients through dangerous detox processes and sending them home when they’re stable. 

Certain rehabilitation facilities are also certified to provide medically supervised detoxification. If you are actively using drugs, you’ll want to enter a rehabilitation facility that is prepared to help you safely get sober before the therapeutic process begins. Make sure the facility you choose will be able to provide you with the type of care you need.

What Do Rehab Centers in California Need To Provide?

Rehab centers in California are required to be licensed by the state. The state requires that state of the art treatment methods are utilized in the care of the patient. Patients must have access to food and a bathroom. They must have a bed to sleep in and access to adequate medical care. The facility must be clean and up to code. 

In essence, rehabilitation centers are only required to provide patients with the minimum necessary to ensure their health and safety throughout the duration of their treatment. Anything above and beyond that is supplied at the discretion of the rehabilitation center.

Since inpatient rehab can last a few weeks to a few months, it may be worth considering a luxury center. These centers will feel a lot more like home. They’re less likely to be overcrowded, you’ll have more one on one time with the staff, and you’ll be made to feel comfortable throughout your stay.

Why Are Amenities Important?

Consider what it’s like to stay in a hospital. You’re confined to a bed most of the day. You can only watch television or read books. Three times a day, you’re brought basic bland meals on par with hospital food. Occasionally, a medical professional will come in to talk with you or administer treatment. You may have another patient in the room you can speak to. That’s your day to day life. That’s why people are so eager to check out of the hospital.

Rehab without amenities won’t feel much different in some facilities. You’re never relaxed or happy when you’re in the hospital. Everything is sterile and uncomfortable. You want something to do. You want to be able to get some fresh air. You want to eat a delicious meal and move around a little bit. You want some people to talk to. 

Some drug rehab centers in California can’t provide much more than what a hospital can provide. They’re trying their best, but they’re working with very limited resources. 

Choosing a rehab with the right amenities can make your stay a little more pleasant. Drug rehab isn’t meant to feel like a luxury vacation to a private island, but it shouldn’t feel like a punishment. You’re making an empowering choice to regain control over your life. It’s okay to want access to decent meals and a nice view of some greenery. 

Outdoor Amenities

Some rehab facilities will have private yards, gardens, or open air patios. You don’t have to feel penned up inside all day, staring at a sterile white wall. Sitting in the sun and getting some fresh air is rejuvenating. See some plants, trees, and butterflies. Feel the breeze. Get some natural vitamin D.

While you’re outside, you may have access to a pool, a hot tub, a sauna, or a steam room. Pools provide opportunities for low impact, gentle exercise. Hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms can help to improve circulation and soothe sore muscles, which is exactly what a healing body needs. 

Some rehabilitation centers may plan outdoor recreational activities like cookouts or hikes. If you’re the kind of person who generally enjoys being outdoors, you might want to look for a rehab that offers gentle outings or fun reasons to get outside. 

Health and Wellness Amenities

Rehab marks the end of many indulgences. It doesn’t have to mark the end of great meals. In fact, you need high quality protein, vitamins, and nutrients now more than ever. Many people with substance use disorders don’t eat the way they should, and the damage substances have done to their bodies requires a little extra nutrition to repair.

Ask drug rehab centers how they intend to feed you. Delicious and nutritionally balanced meals are important. You deserve to enjoy what you’re eating. A tasty and healthy dinner isn’t something you should ever have to give up, and it’s one of the best ways to treat yourself productively.

In addition to a balanced diet, you’ll want to enjoy healthy activities. When you first check into rehab, getting some exercise will be the furthest thing from your mind. After you’ve safely and successfully detoxed, you might find yourself eager to finally get out of bed and start moving around. 

Most drug rehab centers don’t permit high intensity exercise. It’s simply too much strain on a body in recovery. Instead, light workouts like yoga and gentle aerobics are wonderful options. They help to clear the mind and improve circulation within the body and promote natural “feel good” endorphins in a healthy way. 

Comfortable Accommodations

Your bedroom is your personal space at an inpatient rehab facility. How comfortable is it? How private is it? Do you have your own bathroom? Is the bed big enough to sprawl out on? How does the mattress feel on your back? Can you really unpack your stuff and make yourself at home, or are you sharing your space with so many people that the idea feels like a daunting nightmare?

Unfortunately, comfortable accommodations are not something that all rehabs are required to provide. Some drug rehab centers use hospital-style beds and bedding. Meals are shared at folding tables lined with plastic chairs. You technically have everything you need in these facilities, but they will never truly be comfortable. They just can’t feel like home.

This can be a stressful environment for people in recovery. Most addicts are distrustful of other addicts. You want to feel safe and comfortable. You don’t want strangers going through your stuff. You don’t want to wait in line to take a shower. You shouldn’t have to.

It’s not typical for rehab facilities to give people completely private rooms. Semi-private rooms are normal for luxury facilities. Standard facilities will often put several people in the same room. You’ll all be required to share areas like a communal bathroom and kitchen. At times, it can feel like a chaotic college dorm.

Luxury rehab centers offer patients the most amount of space and privacy. You won’t feel like you’re competing for resources. No one will be in your way. You can lay on your comfortable bed, unpack your toiletries in the bathroom, and read a book in your own calm, quiet space. 

The Takeaway

The rehabilitation facility you choose should set you up for success. While you probably want to stay somewhere nice with plenty of amenities, you also have to consider the quality of the care you receive. 

A luxury rehab facility that doesn’t offer round the clock monitoring for detox patients or unique and focused therapies won’t benefit you. An uncomfortable rehab facility that offers great care can be hard to stay committed to. There’s a little bit of a balancing act, but thankfully, Indah Recovery has found that sweet spot. 

Never be afraid to ask questions or request a tour of a facility before you decide to stay there. You have to feel right about your decision to go to drug rehab, and the center you choose will play a significant role in that decision.

Ready to get started? Contact Indah Recovery today.

Sources: o-gross/


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