Luxury Addiction Treatment in Orange County
Addiction Treatment Services
Learn more about our expert team and the Indah Recovery mission to help those struggling with drug & alcohol abuse through our innovative, world-class program.
Experience expert, medical detoxification at our Orange County treatment center in Dana Point, California.
Residential Inpatient
Our residential inpatient program offers a unique experience combining modern & holistic treatment methods.
Unique Therapies
From IV therapy to biofeedback, to mindfulness and yoga, Indah Recovery offers a variety of unique addiction therapies.

Know Your Options
Addiction Treatment
Whether it is a dependence on (addiction to) alcohol, opioids, “street drugs” or any other substance, statistics show addiction kills thousands of Americans each year. Combined, smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug use kill approximately 12 million people each year worldwide. In the United States, at least 21 million people struggle with at least one addiction disorder, yet only 10 percent of those will ever receive addiction treatment. According to various surveys, almost two-thirds of American families have been significantly impacted (in some way) by addictions to drugs or alcohol. It is safe to say that virtually everyone knows someone with a substance use disorder, be it a family member, a friend, or a co-worker.
For decades, addiction was viewed as a choice. In the eyes of many, those who abused alcohol, drugs, or both were making a conscious, voluntary decision to drink, swallow pills, or introduce illicit substances into their body. Fortunately, over time science has determined addiction is not a choice. Many scientists, addiction treatment providers, and mental health counselors will agree, addiction is indeed a disease, and just like many other chronic and debilitating diseases, addiction can be treated.
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What Exactly is Addiction?
Stay Informed
Addiction is often referred to in clinical terms as a substance use disorder. Described in the simplest terms, addiction is the strong compulsion to obtain and use substances, despite ongoing adverse and potentially dangerous consequences. Addiction is also a mental health disorder that affects the brain and changes behavior. The development of an addiction or a substance abuse disorder can result from the use of various substances, including alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription medications, and even some (legal) over-the-counter medications.
Addiction is a complex process that affects various parts of the brain and body. The ongoing use of alcohol or drugs is often responsible for disruptions of regions within the brain responsible for reward, judgment, learning, memory, and motivation in those who are struggling with addiction. As a result, people who have long-term substance abuse disorders may not be entirely aware of their impact on their body and functioning.
Evidence-Based, Holistic Treatment
How We Can Help
All addictions involve physical or psychological processes. Each person’s experience with addiction is slightly different, and therefore substance abuse treatment programs must be designed specifically for the individual seeking treatment. Despite the highly personal nature of addiction treatment needs, each addiction commonly involves one or more common signs and symptoms. Some of the most common signs of addiction include:
- An increase in secretive behavior
- Lying about using
- Stealing money to purchase substances
- Significant changes in social circles
- The presence of drugs (and drug paraphernalia) and alcohol around the home
- New or worsening difficulties at work, school or at home
- Drastic changes in mood and energy
- Avoiding social activities in favor of “staying in” to use or drink
- Changes in sleeping patterns
- Changes in diet, weight or appearance
- Failed attempts to “quit” or “get clean”
- Continuing to use or drink despite ongoing difficulties it causes
While all of the above are common signs and symptoms, it is essential to remember that the signs of addiction can and do vary from person to person as do their specific treatment needs. Therefore, when choosing an addiction treatment program in Orange County, it is vital to research the program and make sure they offer treatment models that suit your specific needs.
If you or someone you love is exhibiting any of the above signs and symptoms or are concerned that they may have a substance use disorder, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Our programs at Indah Recovery provide treatment for the most common forms of addiction with treatment models designed to meet each patients’ individual needs.

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What to Expect
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We are Here to Help - Day or Night.
Our caring team of treatment coordinators are standing by waiting to help you find the treatment options that meet your personal needs. Get a free consultation day or night and let our caring team help you find lasting recovery from drug & alcohol addiction right now.
Preparing for Treatment at Indah Recovery
What to Expect at Our Orange County Drug Rehab
At Indah Recovery in Dana Point, California, we provide a comprehensive treatment program that includes support from the beginning of your treatment throughout recovery.
Detox is the first, essential step in the addiction treatment process. During detox, your body is cleared of harmful toxins and substances that remain present in your body throughout your addiction. Our skilled staff will monitor withdrawal symptoms throughout detox and administer medications if necessary, to help you remain safe and comfortable through the process.
At a residential inpatient treatment program, clients live on-site in a residential setting. Throughout their stay, clients participate in various treatment methods that aim to help achieve long-term recovery. Inpatient residential treatment is the most effective and successful form of addiction treatment.
Also known as partial day treatment, partial hospitalization programs are a combination of inpatient and outpatient treatment models. With this type of treatment, clients live at home (or sometimes a sober living environment) at night and attend treatment during the day. We work with a number of trusted PHP programs in Orange County and beyond to set you up for success after treatment.
Intensive outpatient programs are generally offered as a step-down care option that allows clients to slowly return to their everyday life while continuing to seek treatment. We work with a number of intensive outpatient and outpatient programs in the Orange County area to offer several outpatient weekly sessions with individual therapy every week to help maintain recovery support once a client leaves our program.
Sober living homes are an essential part of addiction and substance abuse treatment. At Indah Recovery, we work with several sober living homes in Orange County who provide a safe and structured environment to support those in early recovery.
- Detoxification
- Inpatient
- Partial Day
- Outpatient
- Sober Living
Detox is the first, essential step in the addiction treatment process. During detox, your body is cleared of harmful toxins and substances that remain present in your body throughout your addiction. Our skilled staff will monitor withdrawal symptoms throughout detox and administer medications if necessary, to help you remain safe and comfortable through the process.
At a residential inpatient treatment program, clients live on-site in a residential setting. Throughout their stay, clients participate in various treatment methods that aim to help achieve long-term recovery. Inpatient residential treatment is the most effective and successful form of addiction treatment.
Also known as partial day treatment, partial hospitalization programs are a combination of inpatient and outpatient treatment models. With this type of treatment, clients live at home (or sometimes a sober living environment) at night and attend treatment during the day. We work with a number of trusted PHP programs in Orange County and beyond to set you up for success after treatment.
Intensive outpatient programs are generally offered as a step-down care option that allows clients to slowly return to their everyday life while continuing to seek treatment. We work with a number of intensive outpatient and outpatient programs in the Orange County area to offer several outpatient weekly sessions with individual therapy every week to help maintain recovery support once a client leaves our program.
Sober living homes are an essential part of addiction and substance abuse treatment. At Indah Recovery, we work with several sober living homes in Orange County who provide a safe and structured environment to support those in early recovery.
Change Your Life With a Single Phone Call...
We Believe Recovery is Always Possible.
Let Us Help You Heal
Get the Help You Need at Our Luxury Treatment Center in Orange County
Our luxury addiction treatment programs at Indah Recovery in Dana Point, California, provide an environment where you can focus on your wellbeing and recovery away from the triggers and settings that may inhibit your addiction recovery. Our expertly trained staff will help guide you through treatment and on the road to sobriety. At Indah Recovery, we strive to ensure your lasting success by creating a structured aftercare plan to help with ongoing sobriety after leaving treatment. Aftercare is one of the most crucial elements of treatment, and therefore a comprehensive aftercare plan is essential to helping you face daily challenges while remaining sober. If you or a loved one are ready to seek addiction treatment, choose Recovery at Indah Recovery in Orange County, California.

Our Clients Recover
"Very professional staff, amazing food! Rachel is a master chef. Clean facilities, with genuinely compassionate crew that are there to help day or night."
“I had a really great experience at Indah - the team there was really helpful from intake to discharge. They made sure that I was comfortable but also challenged me to really look at myself. I'm really grateful for everything the team at Indah has done for me. Highly recommend! Plus there are two really cute huskies!”
Paying for Treatment
We Work With Most Major Insurance
Did you know that most private PPO & POS insurance plans will help cover up to 100% of the costs associated with treatment at Indah Recovery? Get a free consultation right now to find out your options for treatment. Whether you come to our program or not, we will make sure you find the treatment options that fit your individual needs when seeking treatment for substance abuse.
Get Real Help, From Real People.
Let Us Help You Find the Healing You Deserve
Our caring team of treatment coordinators are standing by waiting to help you find the treatment options that meet your personal needs. Get a free consultation day or night and let our caring team help you find lasting recovery from drug & alcohol addiction right now.